From the Journals...Addo Elephant Park, South Africa. February 11, 2002

December 14, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Elephant Herd, Hapoor Water Hole, Addo Elephant National Park, South AfricaElephants I was up before 6, and had a quick look around camp. I discovered action at the bird hide, so I came back and got Anderson. Roy was feeling a bit under the weather, and did not join us.

Elephant & Young, Hapoor Water Hole, Addo Elephant National Park, South AfricaMud Bath We spent ½ hour or so, and got some okay pix, then went for the buffet breakfast. We returned to pack the rooftop tents (a prerequisite for any driving) and then went to search for elephants.

We found them! At the Hapoor Water Hole there were probably over 100 scattered about the area, coming and going, drinking, bathing, fighting, peeing, and shitting. I shot about 6 rolls. Too bad it was midday light. However, I think some should be pretty good.

We’re back in camp for lunch and a siesta…

Elephant & Young, Hapoor Water Hole, Addo Elephant National Park, South AfricaMother and Young This afternoon the light was better, but the wind was strong, and blowing dust in our direction. I still managed to shoot about 3 rolls. (This was at Hapoor Water Hole again.)

A more relaxed evening in camp.



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