From the Journals...Islas Plazas, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. August 14, 1993

December 10, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) pair, Isla Espanola. Galapagos National Park, Ecuador.Blue-footed Boobies 1 Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) and chicks in nest, Galapagos National Park, EcuadorPelican and Young Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in sesuvium bush, Isla Plaza Sur. Galapagos National Park, Ecuador.Marine Iguana on Sesuvium We had been underway since about 4:00 am, and had reached the bay between Islas Plazas by this time. At 7, we went ashore on Plaza Sur, a dry landing to a beach, surrounded by sea lions.

It was an overcast sky, so it was flat lighting, and not a whole lot of it. I used my monopod and Kodachrome 200 to start with. It was an interesting landscape, with cactus and low-growing red Sesuvium. It would have been fantastic if the light had been right. As it was, it was good for portraits, which I was able to do because I could get so amazingly close to the animals. I can understand no fear, but I would think they would need more personal “space”.

We saw sea lions, marine- and land-iguanas, yellow warblers, dove-tailed gulls, pelicans, lava lizards. A great walk, and incredible place. I shot about 4 rolls.


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