From the Journals… Córdoba, Spain. April 15, 2012

October 25, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


Castle WallCastle WallAlcázar de los Reyes Católicos. Córdoba, Spain. I spent a few exhilarating days in Córdoba exploring all the historic sites and interesting nooks and crannies of this city. This photo was taken at the Alcázar de los Reyes Católicos, or the Castle of the Christian Monarchs. I was able to get up on the roof for this view.

This image is from my But Is It Art? collection. I felt artistically inspired and wanted to play with my photos to make them look more painterly. I know this might offend some purists, but I am having a great time with this. How do you like it? Do you want to see more like this?



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