From the Journals...Hong Kong. February 1992.

December 06, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Neon Signs at NightNeon Signs at NightNeon Signs, Golden Mile, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China Back in the day I had the opportunity to fly as a courier to a number of exotic destinations for very little money. Hong Kong was one of those. 

As much as I love travel, jet lag has always been a challenge for me. In this case, I put it to good use. Not being much of a night owl, I usually don’t spend a lot of time doing night photography. However, on my first couple of days in Hong Kong, my body clock was out of wack, so I decided  to do some night photography when my body still thought it was daytime.

Hong Kong is a very commercialized place, and tons of companies are competing for your business. There are large neon signs all over the city, especially in the commercial district of Kowloon. I tried a number of variations, and I liked this time exposure with a zoom. I think it gives a sense of the cacophony of stimuli that is ever present in this exciting place.



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