From the Journals...Chichén Itzá, Mexico. March 20, 1991

December 02, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Ascending Serpent of  Spring EquinoxAscending Serpent of Spring EquinoxEl Castillo, Ruins at Chichen Itza. Yucatán, Mexico. I got up shortly after 6, and had breakfast at the bus station. I packed my stuff and stored it in the hotel office. I walked the 2 kilometers to the ruins in under 20 minutes, arriving 10 minutes before it opened.

I got in right away and grabbed a few shots of El Castillo before climbing it for a good view of the site. While more extensive than other sites, it isn’t that impressive aesthetically, but quite an achievement when size and scientific knowledge are considered. I wandered all around and took some pix, finishing close to noon…

I staked out a place with a good view of El Castillo for sunset photos on this special day of the vernal equinox. At about 4:45, the shadows made the shape of a serpent, and I shot away. It was interesting, but not as dramatic as I had hoped. What is impressive is that 1,000 years ago, the Mayan astrologists and architects could calculate that this would happen and build this monument accordingly.



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