From the Journals...Angkor, Cambodia. January 14, 1999

March 29, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Young monk in saffron robe sits in doorway, Angkor Wat. Angkor, Cambodia.Young Monk, Old Temple

Departed hotel at 8:10 after breakfast--another day at the ruins. So extensive--what a large civilization--about 1 million, and highly developed to come up with this. Why can’t Cambodia of today recover the greatness of its past? Not enough slave labor?

We started at Angkor Wat, hoping for pix of orange-robed monks sitting framed in doorways, but no luck (until later). We just wandered around trying to absorb the sights. I did take a few pix. On the way out, we saw the first of many wedding parties doing pix at the temples--a great setting.

We went to Angkor Thom and looked at the Bayan again--lots of stone faces staring back at us. Tough to imagine the monumental task of restoring these things--a giant puzzle.

We walked to the Terrace of the Elephants and the Baphoun, and it’s starting to get hot. The Baphoun is closed while the French are doing a major renovation.




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