From the Journals...Durban, South Africa. February 17, 1997

May 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


Sacks (bushels) of medinal herbs for sale in street market. Durban, South Africa. Medicine Market Overhead (aerial) view of man at produce stall selling vegetables in street market. Durban, South Africa.Fruit Stall I ventured out, changed money, and walked towards Church Square, and into City Hall. It’s more of an auditorium than a government office building. Nice Victorian architecture.

There are elements here which remind me of Bombay, but the more pleasant side. The Indian population and restaurants, this grand architectural style, and the harbor.

The clouds were still out as I continued on towards the Indian area and market, which is a very mild taste of India. I walked to the outdoor market, where I got a few pix of traditional herbal and magic medicines.


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