From the Journals... Saqqara, Egypt. March 25, 1989

February 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

HieroglyphicsHieroglyphicsHieroglyphics at Mereruka Tomb. Saqqara, Egypt. We took minibuses first to Giza, then Saqqara. We did a lot of walking, starting at Zoser’s Funerary Complex. Surprisingly, that site looked more interesting in my art history text than it does in real life. We walked to the rest house where, after tea and a snack, we hired horses to visit some of the other sites. 


I was annoyed when I discovered (too late, of course) that 3 of the 4 sites were within 100 yards of the rest house. One of them was a good ride that made having the horses worthwhile. A couple of the pyramids we went in to  had lots of hieroglyphics and decorations, as idid some of the tombs. We visited the Serapeum, the Mastaba of Ti, the Tomb of Mereruka, and the Tomb of Akhethetep. I had a fun run on the horse before finishing.



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