From the Journals…More from Hsipaw, Burma (Myanmar). January 19, 2011

February 02, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Tractor TrafficTractor TrafficMen on a tractor drive through Hsipaw's main street. Shan State, Burma (Myanmar). After breakfast at the hotel, Myo Myo (my wife) and I finally got going about 8:30. It was cool and there was still a fair amount of fog. I was walking along the main road north of town and observing all the activities of daily life.

I liked this scene of the traffic on the road, especially the collection of various vehicles. I played with this image in post-production, adding detail and saturation, then smoothing it out to look more like a painting.

We walked to the morning market and I was able to get some good pix of people and products. We also spent a little time at the park next door.



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