From the Journals…More from Manang, Nepal. December 18, 1988

November 25, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Seat With a ViewSeat With a ViewOuthouse, Manang, Nepal We took today off from trekking, and I enjoyed it. I was up shortly before 7, and went outside to photograph the snow scenes. It was really magical. I had breakfast (with coffee) and then took more pix. I shot about 2 rolls today. There was lots going on.

I think this outhouse is one of the most dramatically located outhouses I have seen. There is an impressive view of the Annapurna massif on the other side of the valley. 

While there is just a dusting of snow in this image, about a week later we had 3’ of snow. That made for a lot of effort trudging through with a case of the trots!


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