From the Journals…More from Kyaiktiyo, Burma (Myanmar). January 14, 2011

October 03, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Golden Rock AfternoonGolden Rock AfternoonGolden Rock in the afternoon. Kyaiktiyo, Myanmar (Burma). We got herded into a cattle truck is the best way to describe it. Slats of wood for seats, so close together there was no room for my knees and nowhere to put my daypack where it wasn’t bothering me or others. I had to pay for 2 seats because I took up too much space, and the driver’s assistant was still complaining.

Too many people and too fast—not safe and not comfortable. It was a narrow, windy road with lots of ups and downs. We stopped after about 10 minutes when they took our fares, and then waited. Nobody told us, but it’s a one-way road and we had to wait until the trucks coming down got through. Very uncomfortable and not the way to treat tourists. No option for a more expensive but less crowded vehicle…

It’s a great setting on the mountain ridge, with views in all directions. In the distance to the west we could see an orange sliver of the river we had crossed. The initial views of the Golden Rock were not that impressive, perhaps due to my state of mind after the truck ride.

I started shooting from a distance and then changed lenses as I got closer. It is more impressive upon closer view, and I walked around and got all angles as the light changed during sunset. I think I got some good pix.


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