From the Journals...Fort Gardel, Algeria. February 7, 1986

May 03, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


Sand, scrub, and buttes. Tassili NTassili N' Ajjer, Sahara Desert, Algeria. Another slow day. We had a flat tire and also had to sandmat twice on the road, and once as we pulled in to camp. For quite a while the scenery was similar to yesterday’s, but in the afternoon we came to an area that was reminiscent of the American Southwest. Eroded mesas, scrub grass, canyons, and hills. It was really spectacular. This area is called the Tassili N’ Ajjer, or Plateau of Goats.

Our total distance for the day was only 100 K (60 miles). We had hoped to reach Zaouatallaz (Fort Gardel--an abandoned Foreign Legion post) by lunch, but we soon realized that would be impossible, and we are now camped here for the night. At least we made it to water.

We went for a walk before dinner, and have set up the tent because the wind is rather strong. Good dinner of beef stew and mash.  The sand matting was very good exercise, though it doesn’t always occur at the best of times.



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