From the Journals... Saddar Cave, Kayin State, Myanmar (Burma). February 5, 2014

March 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Cave Guardians 1Cave Guardians 1Buddha images guard entrance to Saddar Cave. Near Hpa-An, Myanmar (Burma). We visited this cave just a few hours after the cave mentioned in my previous post. This was a much larger cave that actually went all the way through the mountain. The main entrance was here, lined by these Buddha images. As one progresses into the cave, there are various altars at which to pray.


Emerging from the DarknessEmerging from the DarknessThe view from the back entrance to Saddar Cave. Near Hpa-An, Myanmar (Burma). The path is dimly lit by electric lights, and guides you to the other opening after about 20 minutes. From here, you are looking down about 100 feet into a small valley with a lake. 


I hired a canoe to take me across this lake, into a cave with very low ceilings, and out onto another small lake.



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